Upcoming Grass Fed Beef Conference
Registration Now Open!
February 24th, 2014, 9am - 5pm, Black Creek Conference Centre in Toronto
Join producers, processors, distributors, retailers, chefs, and other stakeholders in the grass fed beef value chain as we share experiences and expertise, build capacity and cohesiveness, and identify opportunities for growing the grass fed beef market in Ontario.
The purpose of this one day conference is to discuss and share ideas regarding the production, marketing, promotion, and sale of grass fed beef in Ontario, with the goal of scaling up the sector to meet market demands.
Register before February 14th for Earlybird Pricing of $50 for the day.
This fee includes a day of engaging sessions, a delicious local lunch, and time to meet and connect with other stakeholders in the grass fed beef value chain.
Visit the Carving Our Niche website for more information about the conference and programming.www.sustainontario.com/carving-our-niche/
For more information, please contact: