Hey Farmers, Let's Have a Party!
East Central Ontario New Farmer Mixer
Each year, dozens of new and aspiring farmers are choosing east central Ontario as the destination to embark upon their farming careers. We here at Farms at Work want to celebrate this, by helping students, second careerists and young people to build meaningful connections to our farming communities. And what better way to build community than to throw a party??
Saturday February 8th, 8pm @ The Trend (310 London Street, Peterborough)
Join us for some food and drink, music and dancing, at our first ever new farmer mixer!
If you've been farming for 1 or 10 (or more!) years, or if you'd like help welcome new farmers to our community, heck, even if you've never farmed a day in your life before, this will be an excellent opportunity to make connections with some of the great farmers from around our region!
So put down the crop plan, throw on your favourite plaid, and join us for a night of fun!
Live music, courtesy of farm bands:
Trylls: a new farm-y folk project out of Peterborough that'll get your boots a-stompin' and hands a-clappin'.
The Sandy Pockets: are a band of rag-tag farmers and foodies that clean up pretty well for a show. They play a distinct blend of old-timey doo-wop and rockabilly, and they know how to get people dancing.
Snacks and canapés courtesy of BE Catering.
$5 / Pay What You Can - Doors at 8pm, Music at 9pm
There's no need to register for this one, but to help us plan for numbers, you can tell us you're coming on our Facebook event page, or by emailing Jay.