37 Youth Attend Cultural Workshop at Flint Corn Community Project

TRACKS and Farms at Work were delighted to welcome 16 Indigenous students from the Biishkaa orientation program, and 21 youth from the Adventures and Understanding program to the Flint Corn Community Project yesterday afternoon for a two hour introductory workshop. TRACKS staff member Dawn Martin discussed the history of the project, cultural traditions related to creation and the Three Sisters, pollination, soil, and symbiotic growing relationships. 

Over the three week  Biishkaa program, students are acclimatized to both Trent University and Peterborough as a way of acknowledging that many of the youth are leaving their communities for the first time. Tutors and mentors are provided to the students, and they are introduced to the Elders in residence. As a way of immersing the students in their local Indigenous community outings to the Petroglyphs, Black Oak Savannah at Alderville First Nations, and Curve Lake also take place. Adventures and Understanding is a program of the Rotary Club in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth come together to share their cultures.