News/Events - January 2014
Guelph Organic Conference - Call for Volunteers

The 33rd annual Guelph Organic Conference is fast approaching, and Farms at Work is excited to be attending once again! The theme for this year's event is "Catching the Wave" and all the details about workshops and vendors can be found at:
The Conference planning committee is looking for volunteers to assist in several areas for all days of the Conference (particularly Saturday and Sunday). If you've never been to the Conference before, it's one of Canada's premiere organic farming events, and volunteering is a great way to gain access to much of what the Conference has to offer!
There is a particular need for volunteers experienced with audio/visual equipment, so if you're interested in volunteering in this area, please say so in your application.
If you're interested in being involved, please visit the Volunteer Section of the website. There you'll find all the information about volunteering, as well as a volunteer application. If you'd like more information before signing up, please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kerry Brookes for all the nitty gritty.
This year's conference runs from Thursday January 30 - Sunday February 2, 2014 at the University of Guelph.