Farm Work Job Fair: Register Now!
Looking for on-farm work? Need to hire?
Join us at our Farm Work Job Fair for the opportunity to meet and network with employers and job seekers in the farming community.
January 15, 2016 | Peterborough, ON
$20 for employers (includes booth space) | Free for job seekers | Registration required
The job fair will include a workshop session where speakers will provide helpful tips for employers and job seekers, including:
- Strategies for developing strong working relationships and avoiding pitfalls
- A panel of successful farm employers and prospective farm workers
- The Top 10 things to know about Employment Standards for Agricultural Workers in Ontario
For more information and to register, please visit
4th Annual KFSC Farm Stewardship Day
The Kawartha Farm Stewardship Collaborative invites farmers and farmland owners to the 4th Annual Farm Stewardship Workshop! The workshop will include presentations from farmers and industry professionals on important farm stewardship topics.
This years' hot topic: Climate Change – What has it got to do with Agriculture?
Other topics include updates on Source Water Protection and funding opportunities for on-farm stewardship! Attendees will also have the opportunity to receive one-on-one advice for on-farm stewardship projects.
February 6th | 10:00am – 3:00pm | $25 with hot lunch provided | Westdale United Church, Peterborough
For more information visit and to register, visit
Plants for Pollinators: Funding Opportunity
Farm Viability Webinars
FarmStart's Farm Viability Series is a chance to dig deep into financial tools for evaluating and improving your current or future farm business. Webinars cover topics such as, financial literacy for ‘working less and making more money’, setting prices, managing debt and accessing land. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to explore the financial viability of your farm from the comfort of your own home!
For more information, please visit the FarmStart website.