This calendar is for Agricultural Events of interest to farmers in the east central region of Ontario.

If you have a personal Google Calendar, you can link it to this one by following the iCal link at the bottom of this page and copying the link to your Google Calendar, which will be automatically updated. This way you always keep on top of what is happening throughout the region, without having to visit this page. For instructions on setting up your Google Calendar this way, head to this Google Help Page.

You may request login privileges to post your organization’s events in east central Ontario by emailing Coordinator. Your posts will be reviewed, and our intention will be to post them within one business day. 

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February 2025

Making Pasture Work for Farmers with E. Ann Clark

Webinar series, online discussion forum & summer pasture walks

Course fee: $130.00 | Registration required

Are you ready to take your pasture game up to the next level? Or just getting started? Join pasture specialist E. Ann Clark for a two-part webinar series and online discussion forum to discover the benefits of pasture and to learn how others are converting grass into money. Plus, join in on pasture walks this June and July to see how it’s done.

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